
Monday, August 22, 2011

New Blade Runner Movie?

According to, Ridley Scott has signed on with Alcon Entertainment to produce a new Blade Runner movie, though it is unkown yet if this will be a sequel or use the original movie as a jumping off point.  If you're a fan of the original, based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, then you know what a mish-mosh of a setting it is.  I often through that the hit Joss Whedon television series Firefly had been influenced in part by this previous work.  They both have a real world cultural kitchen sink approach that manages to feel both familiar and surreal.  There's more on the potential Blade Runner here.  Steve E. Brown has some great insights on why people love the film in an article on with a great image of a street level view of the setting.

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