
Friday, July 25, 2014

Flora & Fauna Friday - Baobab Tree Pub & the Tree of 40 Fruit

Are you aware there is a Baobab Tree Pub in South Africa?  A recent article on tells us more here.

Of course the first thing to spring to mind for this one is using it as an Elf location.  But what if we twist it just a bit and suggest some ancient order of Rangers use the location as a meeting place and shelter?  Yeah, that sounds more like it to me.

Meanwhile, thanks to an industrious farmer-turned-artist, there exists a tree that will bear 40 different stone fruits from a single plant.  See more here on

I'm not sure I have ever heard of such a thing but now I am wondering why more fantasy worlds don't have plants capable of something similar.  Is it possible this concept, which actually has happened, seems too alien for alien game worlds?

Flora & Fauna Friday on
Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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