
Friday, July 11, 2014

Flora & Fauna Friday - World's Largest-Ever Flying Bird, Driving Fish, & Black Bear Rescue

It seems that fossils found in Charleston, SC, from 1983 have finally led to the "World's largest-ever flying bird" being identified.  Read more here!

Birds gotta fly and fish gotta swim, unless they can drive.  The good folks at Designing Intelligent Imaging Products have put a goldfish in the driver's seat for a recent project and it has gone swimmingly.  Check out this video on their YouTube channel to prove it.

Meanwhile in modern times, a "lumberjack" has rescued a black bear with a milk can stuck on its head.  On they captioned this video as -
Garrett Smith, a lumberjack from Rice Lake, Wisconsin, saves a black bear with a milk can stuck on his head using a forestry "forwarder" vehicle. The claw, which is normally used for moving heavy logs, makes a great mechanical hand to help the bear out.

Flora & Fauna Friday on
Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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