
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Historical Thursday - Murder, Alchemy and the Wars of the Roses

Over on the website, they are featuring an article written in 2004 by Peter Fleming titled "Murder, Alchemy and the Wars of the Roses" that has some neat aspects easily transferred to a tabletop RPG setting.  Read more here!

The introduction reads as follows:
What follows is a kind of murder mystery, but not a whodunit. The identity of the man who carried out the crime, while indeed a mystery, is probably unknowable and actually unimportant. There is little room for doubt as to the identity of the man who gave him the order. The real mystery lies with the identity of the victim. In attempting to solve the mystery, we shall enter the kaleidoscope of faction and violence that was high politics during the Wars of the Roses, and make the acquaintance of one of fifteenth-century England’s foremost alchemists.
The NPCs along that can be snagged from this account are excellent!

Historical Thursday on
Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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