
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Tuesday Sundries - Greek Mosaics in Turkey, Art of Swords, & an Iberian Prince's Tomb

Over on, there is a recent article on "Mosaics Revealed at Ancient Greek City of Zeugma in Turkey."  See more here.

Also, you can check out some wonderful weaponry art (not just swords) at Art of Sword here (  You will let out an audible gasp when scrolling down the archive page here or you are not a gamer with whom I will associate.

Finally, reported last month of a "Bronze Age Palace with Prince's Tomb Discovered on Iberian Peninsula."  I posted link to an article at the time but I love the aerial shot of the site in this one.  See more here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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