
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Tuesday Sundries - London, William Marshal, & the Magna Carta

The website has been all over the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, and I've collected a few of the many interesting stories and perspectives on this event.  But before I share a couple of them from there, let me point everyone to where they have an article "Explaining some of the key clauses in the Great Charter" here.  And be sure to check out "Ten Short Videos about the Magna Carta" here.

So, check out this article from the website on "The City of London and the Magna Carta" here.

Finally, let's wrap up with "Magna Carta: The Medieval Context and the Part Played by William Marshal" here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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