
Monday, August 31, 2015

RPG Media Monday - Medieval Romance, Torture, & Secrets

Three from the website this week with the first being "Literature in an Apocalyptic Age; or, How to End a Romance" here.

Also, check out "Last Laughs: Torture in Medieval Icelandic Literature" here.

Finally, learn of "Secret Gestures and Silent Revelations: The Disclosure of Secrets in Selected Arthurian Illuminated Manuscripts and Arthurian Films" here.

What can be gleaned from Media
and used in our tabletop RPGing?
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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Kidnapped King, Extreme Weather, & Castle Building

Three from the this week with the first being "The Kidnapped King: Richard I in Germany, 1192–1194."  Get the details here.

Also, there is a focus on "Explaining Extreme Weather in the Middle Ages" here.

Finally, they examine "The castle building of William Marshal in Ireland" here.

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday in Space - Pluto’s Atmo, Andromeda Galaxy, & Earth Pics

Over on, they told us "Pluto’s atmosphere could collapse imminently, New Horizons data suggest" here.

Also, on, they suggested we "See the return of the Andromeda Galaxy" here.

Finally, on, they share "A night on Earth – Some trully amazing photographs of Earth seen from space" here.

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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Friday, August 28, 2015

Flora & Fauna Friday - Bees, Boas, & Cassowary Birds

Over on, they herald how the "World's first ‘bee highway’ is being constructed in Norway" here.

Also, on, they explain "Why We Were Totally Wrong About How Boa Constrictors Kill" here.

Finally, on the Animalist YouTube channel, meet "The Most Terrifying Bird On The Planet."  Enjoy!

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Historical Thursday - St. Conall Cael’s Bell, Macbeth, & The Bayeux Tapestry

Over on, they let us know that "St. Conall Cael’s Bell returns to Co. Donegal" here.

Also, on, they discuss "Macbeth Defeated at Dunsinane" here.

Finally, on, they give us "A Guide to the The Bayeux Tapestry" here.

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Worldbuilding Wednesday - Zarach Qanat, Asikli Hoyuk, & Siberian Petroglyphs

Over on, they herald "3-millenia old Zarach qanat to get World Heritage status" here.

Also, on, they share that "Archaeologists uncover human settlement dated to the dawn of civilization" here.

Finally, on, they tell us "These petroglyphs believed to be drawn 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in remotest Siberia" here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday on
The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Tuesday Sundries - Kaiju, Riddles, & Knight School

Over on, they share "Kaiju-a-go-go: Every Godzilla Monster, from Lamest to Coolest" here.

Also, on, "Can you answer the Riddles of Symphosius?"  Find out here.

Finally, on, read about "Knight classes: Inside Chicago's only school for medieval longsword."  Learn more here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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Monday, August 24, 2015

RPG Media Monday - Chaucer, NASA, & the Vatican Library

Over on, they look at "Fourteenth-Century Weaponry, Armour and Warfare in Chaucer and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" here.

Also, on, they examine "Nine Real NASA Technologies in 'The Martian'" here.

Finally, on, they herald that the "Vatican Library Puts 4,000 Ancient Manuscripts Available Online For Free" here.

What can be gleaned from Media
and used in our tabletop RPGing?
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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Whistle Language, & Viking Runes

Over on, they provide "Free Middle Egyptian Lessons" here.

Also, on, they discuss "Speaking in Whistles: The Whistled Language of Oaxaca, Mexico" here.

Finally, on, they tell us "Runes Solve Mystery of 1,100-Year-Old Viking Amulet" here.

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday in Space - Saturn's Rings, Terrestrial Planets, & Megarockets

Three from this week with the fist being the "Surprising Math Rules of Saturn's Rings Revealed" here.

Also, learn about "Terrestrial Planets: Definition & Facts About the Inner Planets" here.

Finally, they share that "NASA's Next Megarocket Could Launch Mission to Europa."  Find out more here.

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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Friday, August 21, 2015

Flora & Fauna Friday - Swarms, Moths, & Cicadas

Over on, just last month, they heralded the "Massive swarm of grasshoppers and beetles on its way to Oklahoma" here.

Also, on, they let us know that "Genetically-engineered moths make spider silk for flameproof pants" here.

Finally, on, they discuss the question of "Why do cicadas only show up at prime intervals of 13 and 17 years?"  See more here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Historical Thursday - Great Wind, Strange Mystery, & an Evil Spirit

Three from the website this with with the first being about "The Great Wind of 1362" here.

Also, discover more info on "The Strange Mystery Of The King’s Head: Henry IV of France (1553-1610)" here.

Finally, delve into the detials of "The Evil Spirit that Terrorized a Medieval Village" here.

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Worldbuilding Wednesday - TWA Flight Center, Alien Worlds, & Gravity

Over on, they pictorially invite you to "Go Inside the Ultra-Cool TWA Flight Center Before It Becomes a Hotel."  See more here.

Also, on, they explain "How To Create An Alien Species In 3 Stages" here.

Finally, on, they have a new video that briefly describes "The Mysterious and Powerful Force of Gravity" which is an excerpt from "How The Universe Works" here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday on
The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Tuesday Sundries - Shipwreck Antiquities, Ancient Steles, & Grave Protection

Over on, an article shared that "Antiquities Found on Shipwreck That Carried Elgin Marbles" here.

Also, on, late last month they heralded "American archaeologists discover inscribed steles at ancient mining site" here.

Finally, on, they discuss "Grave Guns, Coffin Torpedos and Other Methods of Protecting Your Bones From Thieves."  Find out more here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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Monday, August 17, 2015

RPG Media Monday - Grimm Blood, New Languages, & Tolkien's Latest

Over on, let us know that the "Grimm brothers’ fairytales have blood and horror restored in new translation" here.

Also, on, they explain "How the Languages in Game of Thrones, Defiance, and Thor Were Created" here.

Finally, on, they herald that "J.R.R. Tolkien's The Story of Kullervo Will Be Published In October" here.

What can be gleaned from Media
and used in our tabletop RPGing?
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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Perfume, Power, & Money

Over on, they share "Extracts from a Perfume Recipe Book" here.

Also, on, an article from a few years ago discusses "Money and Power in the Viking Kingdom of York, c.895 – 954."  Find out more here.

Finally, on the Jaco Zuijderduijn YouTube channel, a video shows off a "medieval money box."  Watch and learn!

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday in Space - Space Veggies, Moon Telescope, & Curiosity Rover Report

Over on, comes a report that "NASA astronauts will eat space lettuce for the first time today" here.

Also, on, they explain "How Robots Could Build a Radio Telescope on Far Side of the Moon" here.

Finally, on the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory YouTube channel, here is the "Curiosity Rover Report (August 2015): Three Years on Mars!"  Enjoy!

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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