
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday in Space - Pluto's Surface, Saturn's Enceladus, & Mars Curiosity

Over on, they show and tell us "NASA just released these never-before-seen Pluto close-ups" here.

Also, on, it seems that "NASA [is] Mulling Life-Hunting Mission to Saturn Moon Enceladus."  Learn more here.

Finally, on The Planetary Society YouTube channel, a recent video features when "Planetary Radio host Mat Kaplan and Senior Editor Emily Lakdawalla went to Cross Campus Pasadena for an engaging, live conversation with two outstanding members of the Curiosity Mars Rover team, Kim Lichtenberg and Fred Calef.  The video is titled "MISSIONS: Curiosity and Finding Your Way Across Mars."  Enjoy.

Saturday in Space on
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what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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