
Monday, November 30, 2015

RPG Media Monday - SWPCRPG, Russian Superheroes, & The Huntsman

Over on, they show us how "Star Wars Battlefront graphics mod makes the game look like a movie" here.

Also, on, check out the "Russian Superheroes: Slavic fairy tales in perfectly detailed sketches" here.

Finally, on, they show us a "Suprisingly Great Trailer for The Huntsman:  Winter's War" here.  Enjoy!

What can be gleaned from Media
and used in our tabletop RPGing?
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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Reindeer Mounts, Hunting with Birds & Tastes

Over on, they feature "These nomadic Mongolians ride reindeer and hunt with wolves and eagles" with photos here.

Also, on, they discuss "Frederic II Hunting with Birds" here.

Finally, on, they highlight a book called "Medieval Tastes: Food, Cooking, and the Table" here.

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday in Space - Martian Potatoes, Meteor Showers, & Saturn's Moon

Over on, they tell us "What Growing Potatoes on Mars Means for Earth's Farmers" here.

Also, on, they explain how "Meteor Showers on Mercury May Explain Astronomical Puzzle" here.

Finally, on, they ask "Is There Life on Saturn Moon Enceladus?"  Find out more here.

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Flora & Fauna Friday - Tiny Terrors

Three from Live Science this week with the first being "Ants respond as a collective 'superorganism' when they sense a predator."  Read more here.

Also, "Here’s the best way to stop a mosquito bite from itching."  Check it out here.

Finally, "The tardigrade genome has been sequenced, and it has the most foreign DNA of any animal."  Find out the reasons here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Historical Thursday - Tycho's Nose, Götz's Hand, & Other Prosthetics

Over on, they tell us "Tycho Brahe Died from Pee, Not Poison" here.

Also, on, they feature an "Object of Intrigue: the Prosthetic Iron Hand of a 16th-Century Knight."  Find out more here.

Finally, on, they list "21 Antique Limbs For The Early Amputee" here.

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Worldbuilding Wednesday - Islands, Volcanoes, & Holloways

Over on, "An entire ancient island has been rediscovered in the Aegean."  Learn more here.

Also, on, "Scientists Are Mapping the World's Largest Volcano."  Find out more here.

Finally, on, check out "Holloways: Roads Tunneled into the Earth by Time" here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday on
The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Tuesday Sundries - Humans and Sleep

Three from Science Alert this week with the first being "Humans can sleep for days when living alone underground, experiments show" here.

Also, "This is what your body is busy doing while you’re asleep" here.

Finally, "Here’s what happened when a teenager stayed awake for 11 days straight" here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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Monday, November 23, 2015

RPG Media Monday - Lovecraftian Crusades, Medieval Proverbs, & Gods of Egypt

Over on, courtesy of Robert Altbauer, Fantasy Cartographer, have a look at "The Crusades and Lovecraft's Monsters" here.

Also, on, check out the "Medieval Proverbs from The Well-Laden Ship" here.

Finally, on the FilmTrailerZone YouTube channel, there's a trailer for "Gods of Egypt" which is coming out in February.  Enjoy!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Pubs

Over on, they give us "A Brief History of British Pub Signs" here.

Also, on, they ask the question "Why Do British Pubs Have Illustrated Signs Outside?"  Find out more here.

Finally, on, have a look at the "List of pubs in the United Kingdom" here.

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saturday in Space - Phobos, Mars, & Earth's Magnetic Shield

Three from this week with the first being "'Stretch Marks' on Phobos Show Martian Moon Is Falling Apart" here.

Also, "Where Will the 1st Astronauts on Mars Land?"  Learn more here.

Finally, find out "Why Earth's Magnetic Shield Matters" here.

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Flora & Fauna Friday - Vegetables, Vines, & Bananas

Over on, they tell us about "Vegetables in the Middle Ages" here.

Also, on, we see what happens when a wall full of climbing vines peels right off the wall here.

Finally, on, "Watch: The terrifying truth about bananas" here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Historical Thursday - Notes from the Past

Over on, "Arguing with mum and missing home: The 1800 year old letter that reveals what life as a Roman soldier was really like."  Learn more here.

Also, on, "This Trunk Stuffed With 17th-Century Letters Is a Historian’s Dream."  Find out more here.

Finally, on and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) YouTube channel, check out the "Time Capsule From 1957 Found During Construction At MIT" here.

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Worldbuilding Wednesday - Ancient Egypt

Over on, explore "The Lost Labyrinth of Ancient Egypt" here.

Also, on, note that an "Inspection of King Tut’s Tomb Reveals Hints of Hidden Chambers" here.

Finally, on, you can take a virtual tour of the "Tomb of Ramesses The Sixth" here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday on
The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Tuesday Sundries - Leonid Meteor Shower, Colossus, & Guédelon Castle

It's that time of year again, the time when the Leonid meteor shower hits and, if we're lucky, we can catch a glimpse of some of it.  Read more here.

Also, on, they tell us "One of the grandest structures ever built could be reborn in Greece."  Find out more here.

Finally, on, they discuss "Experimental Archaeology: Archaeologists Are Building Guédelon Castle in France Using Only 13th-Century Techniques."  Get the details here.

The Tuesday Sundries on
Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics on
not covered elsewhere or wanting a particular focus.
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Monday, November 16, 2015

RPG Media Monday - Star Trek, David Mitchell, & Chaucer

Over on, A. A. Amirault shares iedas on "5 Star Trek TNG Episodes for D&D Conversion" here.

Also, on, they tell us "Genre Snobbery Is a 'Bizarre Act of Self-Mutilation'" according to author David Mitchell from the latest Geek's Guide to the Galaxy podcast.  Find out more here.

Finally, on, check out "Chaucer’s Solar Pageant: an Astrological Reading of the Canterbury Tales" here.

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Setting & Society Sunday - Viking & Medieval Clothing

Over on, learn about the "Viking Clothing Palette" here.

Also, on, have a look at some "Medieval Clothing" here.

Finally, on, check out "Medieval Fashion Trends" here.

Looking closer at Setting and Society
as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday in Space - Solar Storms, Fireballs, & Shattering Moons

Three from Science Alert this week with the first being "The White House is prepping for a huge solar storm that could kick us back into the Dark Ages" here.

Also, they tell us "Fireballs are falling to Earth this week – here’s how to watch them" here.

Finally, they warn "Mars’ moon Phobos is in the process of shattering apart, NASA says."  Read more here.

Saturday in Space on
What's happening in Space and
what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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