
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Historical Thursday - Southlake Cinema

Sometimes history is personal and today I am posting as such.  I recently stumbled across a site where they mention that a cinema I knew closed back in 2006.  I had not been there since the late 1970s but recall the place was new back then.  My fondness in remembering Southlake Cinema was because of a number of films I saw there when visiting relatives around the holidays and sneaking off on my own one of the nights to catch a flick.  Several I saw over the years of making that trip were The Lord of the Rings (1978)Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and Altered States (1980).  It was a great theater back in the day though I am sure it was well past needing to be closed by 2006.  The days of large screens with tight seating in wide, spacious auditoriums died long ago and such businesses simply haven't been economically sound for a very long time.  Anyway, forgive me for a bit of open-eyed nostalgia and let me know if you saw these movies when they debuted, or since then, and if you recall having seen them in a theater.  I'm curious to know.

Sifting through History to
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