
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday in Space - Voyager 2 Reaches Interstellar Space

Over on, a recent headline declares, "Voyager 2 reaches interstellar space: Scientists detect plasma density jump."  Read more here!

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday in Space -

Over on, they herald, "US Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission."  Read more here!

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday in Space - Water on K2-18b

Over on the Science & Environment section of the BBC News website, they reported, "Water found for first time on 'potentially habitable' planet," a super-earth known as K2-18b  This still requires some confirmation they might be achieved in the next decade but it's quite interesting news, indeed.  Read more here!

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Flora & Fauna Friday - Goliath Birdeater

There's a pretty decent Ranker article titled "12 Facts About The Goliath Birdeater, An Unexpectedly Gentle Giant."  There are a few odd sentences over which some might quibble but it has some solid information too.  Well done, Aaron Edwards!  Read more here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Friday, September 20, 2019

Flora & Fauna Friday - Rodent Invasion

Over on the National Geographic blog, they've posted that "Viking Invaders Brought Armies of Mice."  Might seem like a no-brainer to surmise but they further state, "Vikings who conquered new lands unwittingly brought with them another sort of invader, a new DNA study says—mice."  Read more here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Historical Thursday - Southlake Cinema

Sometimes history is personal and today I am posting as such.  I recently stumbled across a site where they mention that a cinema I knew closed back in 2006.  I had not been there since the late 1970s but recall the place was new back then.  My fondness in remembering Southlake Cinema was because of a number of films I saw there when visiting relatives around the holidays and sneaking off on my own one of the nights to catch a flick.  Several I saw over the years of making that trip were The Lord of the Rings (1978)Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and Altered States (1980).  It was a great theater back in the day though I am sure it was well past needing to be closed by 2006.  The days of large screens with tight seating in wide, spacious auditoriums died long ago and such businesses simply haven't been economically sound for a very long time.  Anyway, forgive me for a bit of open-eyed nostalgia and let me know if you saw these movies when they debuted, or since then, and if you recall having seen them in a theater.  I'm curious to know.

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Tuesday Sundries - Dracula's Puzzle Box

Over on the Mr.Puzzle YouTube channel, there is a recent video showing "DRACULAS Secret Box - Straight from TRANSYLVANIA!!"  Enjoy!

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saturday in Space - Magnetic 'Bridge' Between Galaxies

Over on, a recent article proclaimed, "For The First Time, Physicists Have Observed a Giant Magnetic 'Bridge' Between Galaxies."  Read more here!

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Historical Thursday - Arrows vs Armour

Over on the Medieval Myth Busting YouTube channel, the gang takes on the question of Arrows vs Armour.  Watch and learn!

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Worldbuilding Wednesday - Medieval Tax Evasion

Over on, a recent article looked at "Found: 2,500 Medieval Coins, and Evidence of Tax Evasion."  Read more here.

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The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Friday, August 30, 2019

Flora & Fauna Friday - Rat King

I'd heard of Rat Kings years ago and always thought they were some sort of hoax, and I guess they might be still.  Recently, I saw something that reminded that they seemingly exist or existed so I clicked around a little just to see if there was any new info out there.  There's an interesting article on from a couple years ago titled, "An (Almost) Comprehensive History of Rat Kings" and it seems to have about as much information as anywhere, so check it out here.

The 1683 rat king, as illustrated by Wilhelm Schmuck

But I got to thinking that since this phenomenon came about on the tail end (pun intended) of the Late Middle Ages (1564), there's certainly fair reason to work them in to a D&D game.  However, it would hardly do to include a dead rat king in a game when a live rat king, or better a live Giant Rat King, would be so much more fun.  It (they?) would have to be surly, bitey, and very active.  I say this because it would have to be incredibly disconcerting for any rat to be tangled up by the tail and worse, to be tangled up with multiple other rats.  Add in being in a situation where the fight or flight instinct is kicking in, such as anytime any predator (humans and the like included) happens to be nearby and there's nowhere to hide.  When you are vulnerable like that, becoming aggressive is clearly the only option.  I suppose you'd have to still treat it as individual rats but perhaps randomly roll 3d2 for the number appearing as three is as few as you might want but more than six would be so unwieldy as to be little danger to anyone but themselves.  After that, roll HP for each Giant Rat and only allow up to three to attack any single opponent.  Also, for each one that dies, give a minus one to hit for any survivors.  While they might get used to the bouncing around of their live companions, each one that goes down creates dead weight throwing off the whole multi-creature organism.  Well, I know one thing going in my campaign soon.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Historical Thursday - The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes

I've often touted The Great Courses as one of the most enjoyable ways for me to pass my time.  Sure, I've binged every season of Stranger Things as they dropped and I was cautiously optimistic as I awaited each season of Game of Thrones.  But when I am looking for something to engage me in a more cerebral manner, I frequently grab a lecture series on history.  I recall when this first became a habit with The Western Tradition delivered by Dr Eugen Weber, PhD, and produced by WGBH in 1989.  It feels a bit dated these days, to be sure, for numerous reasons, but thirty years later it's still a solid introductory college-level course transported from the lecture hall into anyone's home.  Over time, the availability of offerings through The Great Courses, on cassette tape and VHS, then on DVD, and now through their streaming service and on Amazon Prime, has proliferated tremendously, so they've  become the main source of my incidental learning-for-entertainment.  Make no mistake, you can study a myriad of subjects through them in a much more disciplined manner than I do, but for me it's mainly a source for casual coursework on history and sometimes other things such as literature or fine arts.  To each their own.

One of the reasons I so enjoy spending my leisure time absorbing knowledge this way is because it feeds my creative fires as I world-build for RPGs.  No one can create in a vacuum.  That's the fastest way to suffocate your creations.  One needs grist for the mill and folks to feed the resultant bread.  At the end of your process, a creator needs an audience, but at start, one needs fuel.  Many world-building RPG enthusiasts love reading fantasy or other fiction novels.  I've done a bit of that.  Some enjoy getting their inspiration from television, film, or the equivalent from online outlets.  Guilty as charged to some extent.  Those sources, however, tend to feel as if they funnel me toward someone else's vision of a story that's already been told, or simply a variation of it with the serial numbers filed off.  To really get my creative juices fired up with raw material that let's me scratch-build, or closer to it, I like examining historical content, sometimes broad and sometimes detailed, and I like it in video format.  History books are great but the convenience of recorded talking heads coupled with graphics and maps works for me.

Most recently, I've been intermittently immersed in The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes with Dr. Kenneth W. Harl from The Great Courses.  It's a thirty-six part lecture series, each just over a half hour.  I've enjoyed several other courses from this instructor, so I figured it would be a good fit for me.  I don't pay the per lecture or even per series fee but rather plunk down the $8 a month then immediately go into my subscription for Prime Video channels and cancel it right away which kills it at the end of the 30-day period rather than auto-renewing.  I tend to binge when time permits rather than parcel such things out on a schedule so I'll secure a subscription for a month here and there throughout the year rather than continuously.  Some folks like the convenience of just leaving those open but I'd hate to wake from a year-long coma, fall in love with my caregiver, but also be ninety-six bucks poorer.  I'm not sure why this scenario requires me to fall in love but call me a frugal romantic.

The description for The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes is as follows: "Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan loom large in the popular consciousness as two of history’s most fearsome warrior-leaders. Yet few people today are aware of their place in a succession of nomadic warriors who emerged from the Eurasian steppes to seize control of civilizations. Get startling new insights on how the world was shaped and discover cultures and empires you’ve likely never encountered."  The course spans a great swath of time and looks at the intersection of three continents and is fairly comprehensive.  What has been striking me as most interesting is how fluid the cultures and languages develop, wax, and wane.  The impact of the people who sprang from the Steppes is so much more powerful than I had ever imagined, and repeatedly so.  Various cultures in Asia, Europe, Northern Africa, and, of course, the Middle East have all been influenced, invaded, displaced, usurped, supplanted, conquered, integrated, and infiltrated by people from the Steppes who, in turn, have then come to one of the aforementioned fates.  It's amazingly dynamic.

The beginning of the series touches on some of the later highlights, Attila the Hun, Tamerlane, and TemĂŒjin, AKA Genghis Khan, as well as Hulagu Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, who is mentioned in the opening salvo.  The latter besieged Bagdad in 1258 over the course of forty days and, after the eventual surrender, felt no mercy because of the delay to submission.  The following sack of the city was a massacre with great loss of life, destruction of architecture, and obliteration of many records.  The limits of historical data is a recurring theme throughout the series and Dr. Harl makes it clear when information and sources are disputed or sketchy.  After giving an overview, he quickly dives into the nuts and bolts: the domestication of the horse, the search for good pasture lands, the drive for trade goods (and slaves).  These things drove early cultures on the Steppes and mostly continued to be an underlying factor throughout time.  One might think that it could become rather one-note but the nuances are there as well.

I'm enjoying The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes as I have many other series from The Great Courses.  Take a look through their catalog to see if there is enough of interest to you.  If you already have a Prime subscription, a meager eight bucks let's you sample much of what they offer and I've no doubt there's plenty enough to interest anyone.  Enjoy!

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Worldbuilding Wednesday - Medieval High Jinx

Over on Atlas Obscura, they have a fun article titled, "Between Plagues, Medieval Peasants Enjoyed Bawdiness and Brawling."  Among the many activities, there was ice golf and, apparently, a lot of wrestling!  Read more here.

Worldbuilding Wednesday on
The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding
for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Tuesday Sundries - Gold Drop Mine Exploration

Over on the Exploring Abandoned Mines YouTube channel (I'm so glad this exists and is named as such), there's a video called "Gold drop the rat king mine, the mine with the most and friendliest rats."  It's a slightly deceptive title but still an enjoyable video.

To quote the intrepid explorer, "The Gold Drop mine historic Gold and Silver mine. Main haulage tunnel, several intermediate and cross cut levels and many good ladders that I used to explore all the levels. A very warm mine that has more rats than any mine I have ever explored and man I hate rats. They even used the ladders!"

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Tuesday Sundries - The Golden Girls and 2E AD&D?

I'm a big fan of the Old School artists like Dave Trampier and David Sutherland.  Neither is with us any longer but their influence on the hobby came early and was very strong, especially for me.  This piece of Tramp's is one that springs to mind whenever I think about an adventuring party.  This illustration appears in the 1E AD&D Monster Manual as a full-page facing opposite the Appendix Treasure Table.  So, this was one of the last images one saw when paging through the first AD&D book ever released.  It stuck with me.

Naturally, when I recently became aware of a Mike Mearls tweet from October 2017 in which he seemingly jokes about the influence of The Golden Girls on the development of AD&D 2E, I had to chuckle.  There was no doubt in my mind he was joking so be careful not to jump to conclusions about the veracity of the following.

Obviously, the basic adventuring party pre-dates 2E by a good stretch with (O)D&D having three of the basic classes and adding the fourth in the first expansion supplement.  So, too, 1E AD&D had the four basic classes (then some "sub-classes") as the clear core of any adventuring party.  Of course, I prefer to think of them as my monsters' four basic food groups, but don't tell my players! Anyway, the convergence of these things prompted me to do a little mashup.  Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Setting & Society Sunday - Mano del Desierto

Check out the wikipedia page on Mano del Desierto,  is a large-scale sculpture of a hand located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, here.

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as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday in Space - Happy Moon Landing Day!

Over on, find out about "NASA's lost moon landing footage and the man who brought it back to life" here!

Also, on, they discuss "First moon landing: World celebrates 50th anniversary of Apollo 11" here.

Finally, remember that thing that didn't happen here on YouTube.

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what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?
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Friday, July 19, 2019

Flora & Fauna Friday - Bumblebee Altitude

Over on, they explained how we know "Bumblebees Can Fly Higher Than Mount Everest."  Read more here.

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Setting & Society Sunday - Ancient Peruvian Textiles

Over on, they exclaim, "6,000-year-old fabric reveals Peruvians were dyeing textiles with indigo long before Egyptians."  That's news to me!

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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday in Space - NASA & Exoplanets

Over on, a recent article states, "NASA just dropped an astonishingly elaborate map of more than 4,000 exoplanets known to exist outside our Solar System."  Read more here!

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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Tuesday Sundries - Jason B. Thompson Maps

Over on the Rended Press website, Matthew Schmeer has collected links to the many "Walkthrough Maps" created by Jason B. Thompson. 

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Historical Thursday - Rinn DĂșin

According to Atlas Obscura, "On a sleepy, off-the-beaten-track peninsula jutting into Ireland’s River Shannon, you can wander through Rindoon, one of Ireland’s most enigmatic deserted medieval towns. Though it was once one of the area’s most important towns, it has slept undisturbed for centuries."

Sifting through History to
enhance our tabletop RPGing.
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Friday, June 14, 2019

Flora & Fauna Friday - Lone Wolf

With a head about half the total length of a modern wolf, this severed head find of a Pleistocene wolf is incredible!  Read more in an article on titled, "Still snarling after 40,000 years, a giant Pleistocene wolf discovered in Yakutia."  Enjoy!

Examining animals, plants, and the
environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.
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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Tuesday Sundries - The Six Forgotten Giants

Earlier this year on, they shared an article titled "Guy Builds Giants From Wood And Hides Them In The Wilderness For People To Find."  Enjoy!

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Mapping Monday - David Rumsey Map Collection

Over on Open Culture, they've updated us again on the the ongoing project.  You can now "Download 91,000 Historic Maps from the Massive David Rumsey Map Collection!"

Cartography and Mapping are the order of the day,
from setting maps to battlemaps, it's all good.
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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Setting & Society Sunday - Valley of the Mills

The "Photos of the Week" over on The Atlantic included an excellent view of "The Vallone dei Mulini, or Valley of the Mills, photographed in Sorrento, Italy, on June 5, 2019. Pictured here are the ruins of an ancient flour mill, sawmill, and public washhouse" by Ivan Romano through Getty.  Enjoy them all here!

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as a part of what is presented by GMs.
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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday in Space - Jupiter in June

So, apparently, "Jupiter will soon be so close to Earth you’ll be able to see its moons without a telescope."  I'll have to make sure I get a good look at this view when I can.

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Monday, May 27, 2019

Mapping Monday - Cartographers Guild 2019 Atlas Awards

Last month, the Cartographers' Guild website announced the winners of The Atlas Awards. Stunning work!

Detail from Domhantyr World Map, by Ilanthar
Best World Map, Atlas Awards 2019

Cartography and Mapping are the order of the day,
from setting maps to battlemaps, it's all good.
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