
Site Structure

At the end of June 2014, I looked over the CMG Blog Triad and determined it needed a bit more structure and focus.  To that end, I have developed categories for each of the three corners of the Triad.  While these may be adjusted or change over time, for now they seem to be helpful for me in my writing for the blogs and should make finding what interests the reader most easier.

A reader should note that much of what has been covered in the past on each particular blog will remain on that blog.  However, by tying categories to particular days of the week, it allows me to develop some themes more consistently and perhaps run a series or two on various topics.  I've left one day on each blog open for just about anything:  CMG's The Friday Grab Bag, GRYMVALD's The Tuesday Sundries, and The Sunday Miscellanea on MFWARS.  If I begin to see something appear on one of those days too regularly, I will probably expand one of the other days to include it.

While this might mean that some news doesn't get shared as immediately as on other websites, that has often been the case in any event.  But in addition to this restructuring, I plan to break my three-posts-a-day format and adding breaking news from time to time and locate it on the blog where it seems most at home.

Sunday Funnies - Humor, often gaming-related, to start the week with a chuckle.

Media News Monday - News for Movies, Television, and more of gamer-relevant Media.

Tech Tuesday - News focused on Technology as it might interest gamers.

Events & Play Wednesday - News of Conventions and Gamedays as well as pictures from those I have attended and games I have played.

Throwback Thursday - A look back at early tabletop hobby gaming or gaming-adjacent topics of the past.

The Friday Grab Bag - Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered elsewhere or needing a particular focus.

Saturday Crowdfunding Roundup - Keeping an eye on those Kickstarter & IndieGoGo projects plus other crowdfunding efforts.

Setting & Society Sunday - Looking closer at Setting and Society as a part of what is presented by GMs.

RPG Media Monday - What can be gleaned from Media and used in our tabletop RPGing?

The Tuesday Sundries - Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered elsewhere or needing a particular focus.

World-Building Wednesday - The nuts and bolts of Worldbuilding for our tabletop RPGing.

Historical Thursday - Sifting through History to enhance our tabletop RPGing.

Flora & Fauna Friday - Examining animals, plants, and the environments we use for our tabletop RPGing.

Saturday in Space - What's happening in Space and what can it mean for our tabletop RPGing?

The Sunday Miscellanea - Essentially, a clearinghouse for topics not covered elsewhere or needing a particular focus.

Minis & Modeling Monday - A look at prepping and painting Miniatures, crafting buildings and paper Models, and other non-terrain stuff for the tabletop.

Terrain Tuesday - For purposes here, the term Terrain is used broadly to cover 3D and 2D maps, foam, felt, and such.

Wargaming Wednesday - A closer examination of board and miniatures Wargaming.

Nostalgia Thursday - Focusing on the roots of current tabletop gaming with an eye toward the last century and before.

Tabletopper Friday - Mostly about card games and board games, unless they have a decidedly wargamey feel.

Systems Saturday - A look under the hood of various Games, Rules and Systems.

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